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Breast Augmentation

Patient Description

This young mother of two wanted to feel more feminine. After 2 pregancies, she barely filled a 34A bra. She also had some breast asymmetry with the left breast and nipple slightly higher than the right. Dr. Mizgala discussed all the options for a very natural breast augmentation. She decided on Saline filled breast implants placed under the Pectoral muscle through an inframmary or breast fold insision. Allergan Natrelle Style 68 smooth shell moderate profile breast implants were placed. The implant shell was 360cc and filled to 375cc with natural Saline (or sterile salt water). Two years after surgery, the breasts remain soft , perky and natural .

Patient Details

Age:   30 - 39

Gender:   Female

Ethnicity:   White

Height:   5’ 6” - 6’ 0”

Weight:   100 - 149 lbs

Gallery:   41271

Come visit Dr. Mizgala and let her customize a treatment tailored to address your personal needs.

4720 South I-10 Service Road W Suite 105 Metairie, LA

Call Today504.885.4515