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Thigh Lift

—Serving Metairie and New Orleans—


Losing weight is an impressive accomplishment for anyone. However, excess skin of the sensitive thigh area may not be able to mold to the new size and shape of your body. The thighs are specifically an area of concern for a lot of patients.

Metairie, LA plastic surgeon Dr. Cynthia Mizgala offers thigh lift surgery (also called thighplasty or thigh lift) at A Woman Plastic Surgeon. This procedure trims loose skin of the inner thighs or circumferential thighs to reveal a firmer, more contoured appearance. Thighplasty surgery has risen in popularity because it offers natural results for patients who are bothered by hanging skin on the thighs. This surgery is often combined with liposuction to further enhance the thigh appearance.

Thigh Lift New Orleans


A thigh lift is a skin removal and skin tightening procedure that tightens the thighs and removes hanging skin. Patients who have lost a lot of weight on their own or after bariatric surgery often benefit from a thigh lift.

Childbirth can also cause unwanted loose skin of the thighs. If you have excess or wrinkled skin on the upper thighs (either the inner or outer thighs or both), thigh lift surgery may be a great option. If you look in the mirror and see hanging skin on your thighs that you can pull up, you are not alone. A thigh lift can correct this and improve the appearance of your upper leg.

American Society of Plastic Surgeons University of Toronto Fellow American College of Surgeons Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, Inc The University of British Columbia

Thigh Lift FAQs

Will a thigh lift remove cellulite or stretch marks?

A thigh lift is the best choice to slim the contour and improve the appearance of your legs. Since the procedure calls for skin tightening and correcting excessive fat deposits, it can improve the appearance of cellulite or other skin irregularities (like stretch marks) on your thighs. If you are interested in addressing cellulite or stretch marks, let Dr. Mizgala know during your consultation so she can adjust your surgical plan to match your goals.

How long will my results last?

If you follow a healthy lifestyle that includes a proper diet and regular exercise, the results from your thigh lift can last a lifetime. Dr. Mizgala will talk about what you can do to make your surgical results last longer.

Can I combine a thigh lift with other surgeries?

You may consider combining a thigh lift with a tummy tuck for a lower body lift. A thigh lift is also a common part of a mommy makeover or body contouring after weight loss surgery. During your consultation for a thigh lift New Orleans plastic surgeon Dr. Mizgala will talk about your concerns and goals so she can create a treatment plan that gives you the results you want.

What about a nonsurgical thigh lift?

Nonsurgical options for fat reduction and skin tightening are improving with new technology. A thighplasty may be the best way to address severe amounts of excess skin and stubborn pockets of fat on your legs. If you are interested in nonsurgical procedures, ask Dr. Mizgala for more information during your consultation. She will discuss the benefits of surgical and nonsurgical thigh treatment options, as well as her opinion on which would best fit with your goals.

How much does thigh lift surgery cost?

Thighplasty surgery can lead to outstanding aesthetic outcomes and allow patients to wear shorts and have a smoother leg appearance, especially after a major weight loss.

Our pricing is based on what type of thigh lift is being performed and where the incisions are placed, etc. Most patients can expect to pay between $6,500 – $12,000 for a thigh lift New Orleans plastic surgeon Dr. Mizgala will discuss the surgical options and then our office will assist with helping you choose the right payment option.

Surgical Technique

A thigh lift is performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia. An incision is made close to the top portion of the thigh in the natural crease where the thigh attaches to the torso. There are several types of thigh lift procedures. When thigh looseness is more pronounced up top, closest to the pubic area, a medial thigh lift is recommended. This limits the incisions to the thigh crease up by the pubic area, easily hidden by undergarments or a bathing suit.

Dr. Mizgala offers the latest technology in skin tightening, including BodyTite and Renuvion. This can be used in conjunction with a medial thigh lift to limit the incisions. In some cases of severe loose thigh skin, a more extensive thigh lift may be recommended. This may involve an incision from the thigh crease down to the knee, hidden between the legs. In most cases, a thigh lift continues to the back of the thigh with an incision under the buttock crease. Dr. Mizgala will customize a thigh lift procedure for you, depending on your thigh anatomy and review all of the options to tighten and reshape your thigh silhouette.

If you have sagging skin on your inner or outer thighs that causes anxiety or embarrassment, we invite you to call A Woman Plastic Surgeon in Metairie, LA to learn more about thighplasty. It is common for patients to combine this procedure with other contouring procedures, especially surgeries that correct the lower body, including a tummy tuck. Schedule your consultation with plastic surgeon Dr. Mizgala and get the slimmer appearance you desire.


Thigh lift surgery takes an average of 2 – 3 hours to complete. After the surgery is over, you will be monitored and then sent home to begin your recovery. There is typically bruising, swelling, and discomfort during the first days of recovery. Within a few days, most New Orleans thigh lift patients are up and slowly walking, which is recommended for improved blood circulation and speedier healing. The full recovery period typically takes about 6 – 8 weeks. At-home wound care instructions provided by Dr. Mizgala will help the incision to heal well. Even though there will be some scarring, the new shape and contour of your thighs can help you raise your self-esteem, and you can flaunt your legs with pride.

Come visit Dr. Mizgala and let her customize a treatment tailored to address your personal needs.

4720 South I-10 Service Road W Suite 105 Metairie, LA

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