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Breast Revision

—Serving Metairie and New Orleans—


Breast augmentation is one of the most effective cosmetic surgeries in America with life-changing positive outcomes. However, sometimes a woman can be unhappy with the results of her breast implant surgery and at some point, may want breast revision surgery.

The breasts change over a woman's life, particularly after pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight changes. Some women wish to have a different style or size implant, while others may have a visible irregularity and would like to have their breast implant replaced or taken out altogether. Experienced plastic surgeon Dr. Cynthia Mizgala has years of experience and offers breast revision surgery and gives a thorough exam at A Woman Plastic Surgeon in Metairie, LA so that all options can be discussed and the desired outcome is attained.

Breast Revision New Orleans


If you have any concerns (whether medical or aesthetic) about your breast implants, please schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Mizgala. She will help develop your personalized plan for breast revision surgery. Whether it is scarring, drooping or sagging, rippling, or uneven breasts, revision surgery can be customized to result in a more normal and healthy outcome. Many women have no specific concerns but often choose to upgrade to newer types of breast implants. This procedure can also help if you are wanting to change size, implant styles, implant position, or address any other aspect of your breasts.

American Society of Plastic Surgeons University of Toronto Fellow American College of Surgeons Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, Inc The University of British Columbia

Breast Revision FAQs

How much does breast revision surgery cost?

The cost of breast revision surgery can vary greatly, depending on what needs to be done to create a healthy, natural-looking appearance. Some cases can be quite complex, while others are more straightforward. Thus, our pricing for a breast revision ranges between $4,500 - $10,000. During your consultation for a breast revision New Orleans plastic surgeon Dr. Mizgala will listen to your concerns and goals before performing a physical exam to assess your implants. Then, she can talk about your options before developing your surgical plan. The cost of revision surgery takes into account the complexity of the revision, as well as if new implants are used.

What if Dr. Mizgala wasn't my original surgeon?

Dr. Mizgala can perform your revision surgery even if she wasn't the surgeon who did your original breast augmentation. Breast revision surgery can be more complex than the original augmentation if you want dramatic changes or have problems so it's best to find a plastic surgeon, like Dr. Mizgala, who has years of experience and advanced training in breast surgery. Dr. Mizgala also welcomes her patients to return to A Woman Plastic Surgeon for revision surgery after their augmentation surgery if they want a change. Dr. Mizgala is very meticulous in her primary breast implant surgery. Revision surgery is rare after primary breast augmentation but may be recommended years later as a woman's desires and breasts change over the years.

What about loose skin?

If you are having your implants removed or are changing to a significantly smaller size of implants, you may need to have excess skin removed during your surgery. After listening to your goals and assessing your current implants, Dr. Mizgala can discuss the need for a breast lift to remove loose skin. If you lose a significant amount of weight, become pregnant, or breastfeed after augmentation surgery, a revision with a lift can help you get better results.

Will there be new scars?

When possible, Dr. Mizgala will make incisions for breast revision surgery in the original augmentation incision sites. However, if this is not possible, she will place the new incisions where they will be less visible. Breast revision surgery typically uses a periareolar incision (on the lower edge of the areola) or an inframammary incision (under the fold of the breast). Dr. Mizgala or a member of her team will go over scar care management so your incisions heal smoothly and blend into your skin.

Do I have to change my implants?

While implants can last a long time, they do need to be replaced at some point. After augmentation surgery, it is important to have your implants checked regularly so Dr. Mizgala can help you decide when your implants should be replaced. With so many advances in the medical field, you may want to consider the newest implant shapes and types to achieve your best look during breast revision surgery.


Breast revision surgery often takes out an implant that is incorrectly positioned or is no longer wanted. It may also be performed to change implant size or style and may be combined with breast lift surgery.


Asymmetry can occur due to wrong size implant, or lack of tissue on one side, or another condition that may cause asymmetry from weight loss, menopause, or breastfeeding. An assessment of all factors can be made to determine what is leading to the asymmetry, then surgery would be needed to correct the problem, and finally, new implants can be positioned to create a symmetrical result.


Bottoming out is a condition that happens when one or both breast implants drop too low or "bottom out" below the natural breast crease. To correct this, a new breast implant placement method may be needed. In some instances, the breast implant pocket may need to be tightened with internal sutures to stabilize the same or new implant.


Secondary breast surgery often involves changing to a smaller or larger sized implant. With the original surgery, you may have opted to go too conservative or gone a bit too large. A new breast implant size can be switched with the original implant in order to reach the desired aesthetic goal.


This condition occurs when there are obvious rippling and wrinkles beneath the skin. This irregularity is rare but more common in patients who are of low body weight or with minimal breast tissue. It is more common with saline implants and textured implants, as well as implants placed in front of the muscle. Breast revision surgery will be planned after the reasons for the rippling have been assessed.


Even though this is rarely seen, implant rupture can possibly occur. If a saline implant ruptures, deflation will take place almost immediately, therefore a visible deflation will occur. On the other hand, if the implant is silicone based and ruptures, the signs and symptoms can be mere subtle. Whether silicone or saline, if a rupture happens, a secondary procedure will be required. Most implants have a warranty that helps cover the cost of breast revision surgery if implant leakage or rupture is diagnosed.


Symmastia is a condition that can occur if implants are placed close together. Implants may shift position over time and symmastia can occur in women with implants that have changed position (known as pectus excavation). A revision treatment will correct this problem by utilizing an implant that fits your body type and looks pleasing to the eye.


This is the term used for scar tissue hardening, occurring when the delicate tissue around the saline or silicone implant becomes hard and thickens. Although many implant surgeries do result in some internal scar tissue, most women will never see or feel it. This is known as grade 1 capsule. In some situations, the scarring could interfere with implant placement, which can change the breast shape and implant functionality and deliver an undesirable outcome. Capsular contracture surgery would be recommended to remove the excess capsule and correct the breast appearance. Grade 2 contracture is palpable but not visible. In grade 3 contracture, the contracture is visible. In grade 4 contracture, it is both visible and has pain. Some of the newer breast implants have a warranty that helps cover the cost of breast revision surgery for capsule contracture.

Revision surgery for breast implants is a custom treatment tailored for your aesthetic goals by Dr. Mizgala. If you notice a visible defect with your breast implants or desire a different outcome, we welcome you to get in touch with our Metairie, LA office to make your appointment at A Woman Plastic Surgeon. There are so many factors to think about and Dr. Mizgala will perform a full physical assessment, create your revision treatment plan, and discuss all the options to achieve the best outcome. Our goal is to give the best breast revision New Orleans has to offer.


After your surgery and an observation period, you can go home. Recovery from a breast revision surgery varies based upon the complexity of your surgery. Simple implant exchange surgeries do not require more than a weekend of recovery time. A more complex surgery will need a longer recovery that could take up to several days. New Orleans breast revision patients should begin to see results once the swelling begins to disappear. A support bra should be worn daily for 24 hours a day for up to 6 weeks. Dr. Mizgala will go over your recovery, as well as recommendations to help speed your healing.

Come visit Dr. Mizgala and let her customize a treatment tailored to address your personal needs.

4720 South I-10 Service Road W Suite 105 Metairie, LA

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