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—Serving Metairie and New Orleans—


Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Cynthia Mizgala performs a variety of facial surgeries at A Woman Plastic Surgeon in Metairie, LA. One of our most popular procedures is a facelift. This surgery concentrates on distinct sections of the face to tighten loose skin and create a softer and youthful appearance.

Depending on your concerns and goals for surgery, a facelift can focus on the cheeks and mid-face, and the lower face and neck, including the jowls for an all-encompassing youthful look. The facelift is customized to your goals, the condition of your skin, the amount of laxity present, your lifestyle, age, and anatomy. Some men and women benefit from a full facelift, while others may only benefit from a mid or mini facelift. Dr. Mizgala is a highly trained and experienced surgeon who has a complete understanding of the complexity and delicate anatomy of a facelift surgery. No one wants an overdone look. The overall goal is to create a natural look that's gorgeous, subtle, and still striking.

Facelift New Orleans


Men and women who dream of a facelift are frustrated by drooping skin, lines, and wrinkles on the upper, mid, or lower face. Facelift surgery can address one or more areas, depending on your unique anatomy and desired outcome. It is important to understand that age does not necessarily define the time in life to have a facelift. There are so many factors and also numerous lift techniques, depending on the cosmetic concerns of the patient. Facelift patients should be in good physical health and refrain from smoking.

Facelift FAQs

Which technique is best for me?

The best technique for you will depend on your needs, goals, degree of skin laxity, which areas are being addressed, and more. During your consultation for a facelift New Orleans plastic surgeon Dr. Mizgala will go over the different techniques and help you decide which one is best for you.

Should I get a surgical or nonsurgical facelift?

While there are many great nonsurgical skin tightening procedures, these can only produce mild improvements. If you have moderate to severe skin sagging, a surgical facelift is the best choice to improve your appearance. During your consultation, Dr. Mizgala will discuss your options, including nonsurgical treatments, to help you select what is best for your goals.

What about wrinkle fillers and relaxers over facelift surgery?

Injectable wrinkle fillers and relaxers, like Juvéderm and BOTOX, have become very popular to refresh the face. Sometimes known as a liquid facelift, injectable wrinkle treatments are good for early signs of aging, but the results are temporary. A facelift can produce more dramatic improvements than injectables with results that can last for a lifetime. Ask Dr. Mizgala about injectable treatments during your consultation.

Will my results look natural?

Many patients worry that facelift surgery will make their skin look too tight, shiny, or like they live in a wind tunnel. Dr. Mizgala focuses on giving you a natural-looking result so you look refreshed and not fake. She listens to your needs and goals before developing your personal treatment plan with the technique that will produce your best results.

How much does a facelift cost?

The cost of your facelift will vary based on the technique used. For example, if you need a full facelift, which will address the underlying tissue and muscles of the facial anatomy, the pricing will be greater than less complex facelifts, such as a mini facelift.

During your consultation, Dr. Mizgala will assess your facial structure, discuss your aesthetic goals, and collaborate with you regarding her recommendations. On average, facelift surgery can be estimated to cost between $6,500 – $15,000. Facelift surgery is a specialized plastic surgery and it is important to use an experienced surgeon so that your results are natural and lasting. Our staff at A Woman Plastic Surgeon can help you find low-interest financing that will make your surgery easier to afford.

Surgical Technique

No matter the issue you wish to correct, there are various levels of facelifts to think about. A facelift can be tailored to address specific areas of the face such as the upper portion of the face or focus on the middle and lower face. It is also common for some patients to have an eyelid lift, brow lift, or fillers and BOTOX to complement and enhance their final results. A few of the more common facelift options include:

Full Facelift

Considered the gold standard, the full facelift most often incorporates an incision close to the hairline, then extends down to the area near the temples, reaching the base of the ears. The underlying facial tissues and muscles are carefully pulled and safely tightened to produce a lifted outcome, which reduces excessive loose skin and droopy features. This facelift is reserved for individuals who have visible signs of advanced aging. With this lift, various treatments may be combined, including blepharoplasty to enhance the eyes.


The mid-facelift focuses on the hollow and lax areas close to the cheekbones and the upper jaw. This lift works well for those who hope to attain improvement in the lower two-thirds of the face, which also improves the look of the jowls.

Lower Facelift

This lift addresses the chin area and jowls. Minimally invasive methods, such as SmartLipo, FaceTite, or Renuvion can also be used for fat reduction to attain a younger, tighter-looking neck.

Mini Facelift

During a mini facelift, a thin, small incision is made around the ears to lift the skin to a higher position, which enhances the jawline and jowls. This process creates subtle improvements that look natural.

Cosmetic facial surgery can take years off your face and give you a fresh look. Today, there are many options for surgery based on your unique goals. A facelift is designed to help you look younger but natural and at A Woman Plastic Surgeon we strive to deliver the best facelift New Orleans has to offer. For more information, we invite you to get in touch with A Woman Plastic Surgeon in Metairie, LA to set up your appointment with Dr. Mizgala.


Dr. Mizgala or a member of her team will make your follow-up appointments and go over tips to make you more comfortable while you recover. Our New Orleans facelift patients may have a small amount of bruising and swelling and a little soreness, but this is minimal. You should look and feel normal after several weeks. You will see a more glowing look with fewer lines and sagging. In all, your face will be lifted and younger looking.

Come visit Dr. Mizgala and let her customize a treatment tailored to address your personal needs.

4720 South I-10 Service Road W Suite 105 Metairie, LA

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